Have Kids? Here’s How to Spark Excitement for a Lakeside Vacation

Stop us if you’ve heard this: your kids don’t want to go where you planned your vacation, even if it’s at a lakeside lodge. Maybe they wanted to see the California coast, maybe they would rather go to Disney World (RIP, your wallet), maybe they’d just rather stay home and see their friends for the summer. Whatever the reason, you’re looking to drum up excitement in your little ones (or moody teenagers). If you’ve always wanted to see the Minnesota Northwoods and plan a family vacation to Sugar Lake, we’ve got the advice you need to spark some excitement in your kids. 

Here’s how to ensure your children, from toddlers to teens, are buzzing with excitement for your upcoming lakeside getaway. 

Tailoring the Announcement: Speaking to Kids of All Ages

For Toddlers and Young Children:

Go heavy on the visuals and simple descriptions! Kids want to imagine playing in water where and in the sun. Emphasize the fun activities they can do, like building sandcastles on the white sand beach or splashing in the outdoor heated pool. Play to their imagination and let them know that there is nothing for them to be afraid of. Pictures of the resort and of Sugar Lake and nature can also help stoke their curiosity. 

For Older School-Aged Children:

Engage their sense of adventure by talking about exploring the great outdoors. Describe the nature walks where they can be young explorers, discovering the secrets of the forest, or how they can learn to cast a fishing line into the lake’s clear waters. Highlight the youth golf clinics and outdoor games, presenting them as challenges they can master. They’ll want their vacation to be an adventure they can embark on and explore. Play to their sense of curiosity. 

For Teenagers

Maybe just tell them this is what we’re doing, and they need to get over it? All kidding aside, teens seek both adventure and autonomy. Excite them with the prospects of boating, water sports, and the freedom to explore the resort’s expansive grounds. Frame the vacation as an opportunity for them to try new things, like riding on a pontoon, tackling their first golf course, or meeting some new people around a nightly bonfire. Or they can just play their Nintendo Switch by the lake (we recommend unplugging, but everyone vacations their own way!).  

Prepare for the Adventure

Involve Them in the Planning

Let your children have a say in the activities they’re most interested in. This not only builds anticipation but also ensures the vacation caters to everyone’s preferences. 

Pack Together

Make packing an exciting prelude to the vacation. For younger children, this might mean picking out their favorite swimwear, stuffed animal, or toys for the beach. Teens might appreciate being in charge of their own packing, with guidance on essentials for the activities they’re most looking forward to. 

The Countdown to Departure

Create a countdown calendar. Marking off the days can build anticipation and make the vacation feel like a major event. You could include fun facts about the lake or the resort’s activities as each day passes. Drum up excitement by making this a big and notable event. 

Share Stories

Tell tales of your own childhood vacations and how they impacted your life. For older kids, sharing anecdotes from social media or reviews from other families can pique their interest. 

Visuals and Videos 

Show them pictures or videos of Sugar Lake, our lode, and everything we have to offer. Seeing the beauty of the lake, the activities, and kids their age enjoying their vacation can make the trip more anticipated and exciting. 

Set Vacation Goals

Encourage each family member to set a personal goal for the trip, whether it’s learning to fish, making a new friend, or conquering the golf course. This gives everyone something unique to look forward to. 

Book a Trip Today

Remember, the anticipation of a vacation can be almost as enjoyable as the trip itself. By engaging your children’s imaginations early and involving them in the planning process, you’re not just preparing for a lakeside vacation; you’re creating a family adventure story that begins at home. A vacation is more than just a destination; it’s a way to bond and create memories.  

Ready to dive into your next family adventure? Contact us or call 218-327-1462 to book your stay, and let the excitement begin!